Mind Well Podcast
Connecting to Wholeness and Well-Being
You can find our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcasts

Your Body is Your Advocate
On this episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews Kathy Martinez and Mike Yuhaniak from Empowering Bodies Wellness. With their background in personal training, fascia stretch therapy, craniosacral therapy and reiki, we talk about physically healing the body, the importance of movement and staying curious.
Listeners who want more insight about coming home to their bodies will enjoy this conversation.

Before and After
On this episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews her partner Julie Gustafson. We talk about generational trauma and the fundamental importance of healing your inner child.
Listeners who have experienced generational trauma will want to tune in to this episode.

Paying it Forward
On this episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews Meagan and Petro – two of her trauma integration students. We talk about their journey from healing their own trauma to learning the how to help others do the same. Join us as we talk about their experiences, struggles and triumphs.

Use Your Voice
On this episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews Deb Shapiro. Deb is the founder of Amplify Voices – an organization focused on amplifying the voices of the silenced, misunderstood and oppressed. Join us as we talk about the power of showing up in authenticity, courage and the triumph in our experiences.

Demystifying Therapy
On this episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones has a conversation with Sam Richardson the owner and director of Las Vegas Therapy. Michelle asks the questions you’ve never thought to ask a therapist. We talk about trauma, betrayal trauma and the key factors for healing including mindfulness. We also break down some myths and misconceptions about therapy and how to shift our mindset to move through fear and embrace mental health support.

Bravery and Hope
On this week’s episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews three powerful women from Dahlia’s Hope. Faith Robles shares her experience as a sex trafficking survivor and founder of this amazing organization designed to provide support and resources to survivors of human trafficking.
We also talk with founding board member Cherstyn Stockwell and current COO Cara Durfee about the extraordinary network that has been developed to provide aftercare and bring hope to sex trafficking survivors. This episode allows us to more fully understand what bravery and hope means.

The Power of Intention
On this week’s episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews wellness practitioners Carla Reeves and Lara Piu. We discuss showing up for yourself and honoring what’s right for you. We explore the use of writing and intuition to learn the language of what your body, mind and spirit are communicating to you. We also discuss the power of choice and the ability we all have to tune out external voices and tune in to our own internal voice.

Don’t Hold Their Poop
On this week’s episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews author and coach Christina Hathaway. We discuss her new book “Don’t Hold Their Poop” and we discuss all the ways in which we are figuratively holding poop in our lives. Specifically we discuss boundaries, the power of choice and the importance of our mindset. We also break down some common myths surrounding health and wellness.

Building a Bridge of Healing
On this week’s episode of Mind Well, we welcome back Mandy Aidukaitis and are joined by Monte Hauck. We hear both perspectives from the moment of the accident that took the life of Mandy’s daughter. We talk about forgiveness and what it really means on the other side of trauma. Each shares what made the difference in transitioning to healing after this traumatic loss.
You will want to tune into this episode if you have experienced traumatic loss or want to understand how to respond and support someone who has. This episode also adds insight for those who seek to understand how to heal from the unimaginable and what forgiveness means in these situations.
Your Story doesn’t End Here
In this episode of Mind Well, host Michelle Jones interviews Mandy Aidukaitis. They discuss Mandy’s lived experience with trauma including the loss of her beautiful daughter Lauren. She shares insights about the role of spirituality in healing, things we avoid when we have been through trauma and most importantly how she came to understand that our trauma experiences do not define the end of our story.

Recognizing the Effects of Trauma
In this episode of Mind Well, Michelle Jones is interviewed and shares her experience with recognizing the rippling effects of trauma in her life and how she became connected to the world of trauma recovery and education. She gets real as she shares how this work has fundamentally changed her lived experience and relationships.

Hope through Trauma Healing
In this episode, Michelle interviews Sarah Farmer, a trauma educator, Trauma Integration Practitioner and adoption trauma advocate. Join us as we discuss how trauma shows up in life and some common misconceptions surrounding trauma recovery. Michelle and Sarah also discuss the power of hope, mindfulness and self compassion on the journey of trauma healing.